Check dates for a journey to hallowed Cathar country

> 1 August to 6 August 2016

6-day Initiatory Journey at €400

Travelling is a return to the essentials

Tibetan proverb

We are sure you will enjoy discovering (or discovering anew) the Pic du Bugarach and its enigmatic surroundings.

“Le Bugarach”

Make a literal journey of inner awakening! For six days you can immerse yourself in the most magnificent sites, famed for their cosmo-telluric energy, in the heart of the historic Cathar region. (Special rate: book before 21 June, and you can enjoy a 6-day break for only 400 euros – an exceptionally good deal, which will please you all the more when you see the quality that awaits you!)

Le Bugarach and the surrounding area constitute one of Earth’s thirteen major vortexes. The famous peak (celebrated worldwide) has a most surprising characteristic: its magnetic polarities are inverted!

With similar characteristics to the Bermuda Triangle, this is an area where aeroplanes and helicopters are not allowed to fly because of the powerful electro-magnetic fields that interfere with navigation systems. The Heart Chakra of our beautiful Planet Earth is here.

From Druids to Cathars…

This striking region has welcomed numerous peoples who came to become initiated into the secrets of life: Druids, Essenes, Templars, Cathars… many of whom have left behind both visible and invisible marks of their presence.

The region is full of dolmens, menhirs and ancient religious Druidic sites.

The Essenes (followers of Christ) came to live in this region after he left and have left a mystical imprint of their time in the Razès area.

The Templars and Cathars have marked this region with the chateaux they built along telluric currents, all inter-connected, as well as with the force of their profound spiritual quest. In more recent times the area has attracted authors such as Jules Verne, who came to live and find inspiration in the palpable magic of the area. (It was at the Fontaine des Amours (Fountain of Love) that Verne wrote ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’.) Stephen Spielberg filmed ‘Encounters of the Third Kind’ at Mount Bugarach.

A wealth of Sacred Sites

It gives us such joy to share with you the wealth of sacred sites in Cathar country:

The enchanted and enchanting forest of Nebias, with its celebrated labyrinth

Mount Cardoux (‘Cardoux’ meaning ‘Heart of God’ in the Provençal Occitan language)

The caves of initiation

The mystical chateaux, the Alet-les- Bains Abbey

The magical fountains: Fontaine des Amours (Fountain of Love), Fontaine de Marie-

Madeleine (Fountain of Mary Magdalen), the saltwater spring…

The Throne of Isis, a mystical seat cut into a dolmen endowed with magical properties…

All of which makes this region such a deeply magical place to discover (or discover anew)…

A deeply memorable Initiatory Journey

In addition to visiting high vibration sites during this week of initiation, your days will be punctuated with spells of sound meditation/bathing (at sacred sites each morning), and spells of learning and initiation.

Musical instruments will inspire meditation: gold, rose quartz, or purple sapphire alchemy crystal bowls, crystal bells, crystal didgeridoo; lesser-known instruments like the waterphone, or Aboriginal bullroarer; a Shaman drum, Amerindian flutes, including a 1000-year- old flute of the Tairona people (ancestors of the Koji); sacred chants….

Meditation practice that assists rebirth in Cathar country.

Didgeridoo and Sacred Chant

A time for learning about sacred sites (their histories and secrets); a time for initiation (transmission of Keys of Isis, conscious breathing, Merkabah meditation….).

Ce voyage proposé a pour vocation de vous permettre de :

This journey seeks to:

Bring you into contact with magic and the beings of nature,

Broaden your perceptions,

Help you find your personal keys, unlock your own magic,

Foster inner peace and serenity…

You are accompanied on this Initiatory Journey by a couple:

Aymeric Blanc Schreney is a naturopath and lithotherapist and teacher of personal development; he is also a qualified and certified hiking guide and medium altitude mountain guide.

Amelle Blanc is one of the pioneers in France of the energetic approach to the awakening of the Sacred Feminine. For over 13 years, she has been giving individual sessions, as well as running courses and workshops on the principles of the sacred feminine (Keys of Isis) and the Sacred Couple (the union of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine).

Practicalities :

(Special rate: book before 31 December 2016, and you can enjoy a 6-day break for only 400 euros – an exceptionally good deal, which will please you all the more when you see the quality that awaits you!) For practical reasons, you are advised to book as early as possible, as the number of places is limited.

For more details or to book, please contact Amelle Blanc on +33(0) 650 007 108, or use the ‘contact’ section of the site.

NB: you will need a sports medical certificate (legal obligation), as well as hiking shoes, a backpack, yoga mat, water bottle, comfortable (all-weather) clothes, and above all your happy smile and spirit of adventure!