Aymeric Blanc

Holistic Therapist and Naturopath
Aymeric Blanc

Aymeric Blanc was born fully conscious of his gifts, becoming interested very young in the natural sciences (sophrology, yoga and meditation, which he has practiced since the age of 6), as well as quantum science, and the power and magic of sound and crystals. He sings and plays several musical instruments intuitively.

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Conscious of the importance of the nature, and the balance of the human body, he acquired diplomas as guide on average mountain.

Aymeric turned to the alternative methods of cure, he formed to  various techniques of spiritual and energy care to sit what he practises, already, naturally. He formed in massages, in naturopathy, in didgé-therapy, he practises also diverse forms of meditation.

Invested for several years in the field of the alternative medicines and the love of the magic of the sound, he has created Quantaum Healing © (method of care and  sound allying the quantum science (lithothérapie, « touch for health », liberation of the cellular reports …) in the crystalline music therapy (the quantaum sound ©): 
Crystal bowls, crystal bells, crystal diapason, didgeridoo of crystal, waterphone, didgeridoo in eucalyptus, Amerindian flutes, Amerindian drums, gong,…).

Aymeric works in his quality of holistic therapist, music therapist, Trainer and co-founder of the atlas balancing © (realignment and put back in place the atlas).

He is also trainer of the following training courses : training «  quantic sonotherapy  « , introductory course in the lithotherapy, « crystal consciousness »; initiatory journey on sacred sites (the sacred mountain of Bugarach, Broceliande, Glastonbury, Egypt,…) and proposes besides  » multidimensional concerts  » as well as  personal fulfillment (conscient breathing, merkabah meditation, sacred singing, harmonious singing  (diphonique), initiation into crystal bowls).

The consultation for the Atlas Balancing can be made in the center Quantaum to Luc-sur-Aude ( 11 ), Montpellier, Narbonne, Perpignan, and anywhere people (groups) whant to receive this healing.