About us
Activities for wellbeing and personal development

Innovative quantum science and a team of therapists at the service of wellness and wellbeing
We are a group of men and women working together towards a humanity that is more conscious of the true values of life, of respect for self, for others, and for nature.
Quantaum’s vocation is to offer people access to effective treatments that bring together ancestral knowledge and the new quantum sciences. The treatments are given by a team of qualified and experienced therapists with high ethical and professional standards.
Our aim : Provide an environment and activities to bring about wellbeing and personal development.
Therapeutic tools, sacred objects and other artefacts

The Quantaum boutique offers different ranges of therapeutic tools at different times and synchronicities (sanded alchemy crystal bowls, crystal bells, lithotherapy crystal wands, etc.), sacred objects, and other inspired creations.
At the dawn of this new age, the time has come on Earth – at last – to transform our way of life, our thoughts, actions and beliefs, and to adapt them to the reality of a living, conscious, loving planet, and to become respectful of universal laws.
More and more of us our awakening to the importance of ‘re-evolution’!
Of the need to express our authenticity and to find and apply real solutions in our quest for personal development and global development of sustainability.
Love, unity and harmony
We’re so lucky to be here, and right now, and be part of the emergence of what many are calling the ‘New World’, or ‘New Earth’.
A great number of prophecies and ancient traditions have foretold the end of the time of duality and the emergence of a new paradigm based on love, unity, and harmony…
“When the iron bird flies, the West will know wisdom.”
Quotation of Padmasambhave, a founder of Budhism (born around 500/600 years B.C.)
« The Seven Fires prophesy of the Algonquins (a people of Quebec) describes the evolution of humanity over a period from several centuries ago up until today. At this moment in time, we are in the period of the seventh fire, a crucial period of life-choice. The prophecy invites us to choose a world of peace and unity between different races and peoples. The message is actively promoted by Algonquin Grand Chiefs, such as William Commanda and Dominique Rankin (known as Taminik). It corroborates another prophecy, that of the White Buffalo Calf
Woman of the Lakota people. »
« William Commanda defended the idea of a humanity without frontiers, just human beings centred around the Great Circle of Life and love for one’s fellow-man :
“We must all gather as one heart, one spirit, one love, and one determination.”
The Quantaum Centre at Luc-sur- Aude
Aquatic Music Therapy courses, treatments and sessions; Atma Janzu, Quantum Sound Therapy, Atlas balancing (realignment of Atlas vertebra), Sacred Feminine and Lithotherapy sessions.

The Quantaum Centre is in LUC-SUR- AUDE (11190), a site of high cosmo-telluric energy; there’s even an ancient menhir on the site. Our therapy room, which we’re sure you’ll enjoy, is built entirely of natural materials. Moreover, the Quantaum Therapy Room geometry is based on the Golden Ratio: this is the geometric ratio used in the architecture of temples and cathedrals.
It also gives us great pleasure to be able to welcome you to our water temple.
This is used mainly for Aquatic Music Therapy (Aquantaum ©), Atma Janzu, and Sacred
Feminine matrix sessions. You can also come here for waking-dream Aquatic Sound Therapy.