Aims of the Atlas Balancing course (Atlas Repositioning Course):

Enable you to learn an innovative yet completely natural method of (among other things) repositioning the Atlas (topmost vertebra of the spinal column) without recourse to physical manipulation, machines or other apparatus.

Atlas repositioning method that works with the innate energy of the physical, mental, emotional and subtle bodies, using sound codes (vocal sounds).

For the practitioner, the advantage of this revolutionary method for repositioning the Atlas vertebra is the ability to take your patient through a considerably accelerated healing process on every level.

This technique can be practised on its own or in conjunction with your other skills.

A single session can completely change a person’s life!

When you become an Atlas Balancing (atlas repositioning method) practitioner you join the Quantaum team, which is actively involved in developing new therapies based in quantum science.

Course contents:

– Theory (basic course material)

– Practical exercises

Developing feeling and sense of touch

Working with the energy of the physical and subtle bodies 100%
Voice training for the sound codes©: developing the resonant power of the voice. 100%
Learning the sacred vowels, and their sphere of influence when sung. 100%

The ultimate objective being to learn to use the sound codes in a precise manner. At the end of this first course, participants have to pass a test in order to earn their ‘temporary certificate’, and are qualified to help others using part of the range of Atlas. Balancing or Atlas Repositioning tools. At this stage they are termed ‘Level 1Atlas Balancing practitioners’.

They can set to work helping people right away, and thus gain the practical experience they need. After a lapse of time varying from one to three months, they come back for the second part of the Atlas Balancing course. This takes two full days. It is at this point that therapists decide whether they want to work with animals or humans. The course is given by Aymeric Blanc Schenrey.

This second part is also followed by a test. Only then can the newly qualified therapists start up their own independent ‘Atlas Balancing’ or ‘Atlas Realignment’ practices or call themselves ‘Level 2 Atlas Balancing practitioner’. They also receive a permanent certificate.

Anyone who wants to work in ‘Atlas Balancing’, ‘Atlas repositioning, or ‘Atlas realignment’ must complete both parts of the training before starting to work as an independent therapist. The content of the second part is indispensable for working in Atlas Balancing, or Atlas Realignment as a complete treatment. Anyone who has taken part in the first half will fully understand this necessity by the end of it.

Training site: Luc-sur- Aude (11190), South of France.

You may be entitled to funding for your training course.

If you live in France and are entitled to free training, Quantaum are willing to help you with your application for funding.

Complete Course

  • Exclusive of board and lodging

Aymeric Blanc

Holistic Therapist and Naturopath
Aymeric Blanc was born fully conscious of his gifts, becoming interested very young in the natural sciences (sophrology, yoga and meditation, which he has practiced since the age of 6),...
Aymeric Blanc

NEXT COURSE DATES (Course information update: the complete training course is now over 5 days):  

Sessions in 2016 :

  • October Session: 20 – 24.
  • Session de décembre : 1er décembre au 5 décembre.

Sessions de 2017 :

  • January session 2017 : 9 – 13 January
  • February session 2017 : 20 – 24 February
  • March session 2017 : 20 – 24 March 2017
  • April session 2017 : 3 – 7 April 2017
  • April session 2017 : 24 – 28 April 2017
  • May session 2017 : 24 – 28 May 2017

[OU : (la 1ere version étant visuellement plus claire…)]

  • January session 2017 : 9 to 13 January
  • February session 2017 : 20 to 24 February
  • March session 2017 : 20 to 24 March 2017
  • April session 2017 : 3 to 7 April 2017
  • April session 2017 : 24 to 28 April 2017
  • May session 2017 : 24 to 28 May 2017